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Ad DinSide Have you experienced that your iPhone has crashed looney tunes cartoons more often after updating to iOS 7? Then you are not alone. Ever since iOS 7 was launched in September last year, a number of users reported problems with the iPhone suddenly restarts. The phone crashes suddenly, and conducting a so-called soft reboot, which in turn causes the screen is either white or black in a short time - until the system is restarted. The error has been described as "the white / black screen of death". Read also: More struggling with iOS 7 - Here are the most common complaints fixed in iOS 7.1? Having been silent for several months, however, assumes Apple problem. Perhaps this is a critical posts of the renowned tech blogger MG Siegler. - We have a correction in an upcoming software update for a bug which sometimes can lead to the home screen crash, said Apple spokeswoman Trudy Muller in a statement looney tunes cartoons to Mashable. According Mobil.se fault lies with Springboard, the program that drives home screen and start all apps. And it not only leads to sudden restarts, but also that other apps quit unexpectedly. The problem seems to occur more often when the battery level is below 30 percent. When the fix is coming, is not known, but it seems that it will be in conjunction with the release of iOS 7.1, which is currently in its fourth beta version for developers. Also read: How to get better battery life in iOS 7
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