Thursday, September 19, 2013

Blood tests that are done in the laboratory to detect the substance shortly after use - between 12

Taxi driver said: "I'm stoned on grass, and two did not see. Get in the cab ride to two of the "YouTube" to "Hope." Go, and before my eyes everything was like a movie. At one point during the "Tcarigradsko road" is boggling. mother gothel Behind me whistling with horns, but I do not know why. At the last minute I see I plunge into the guardrail. Fear a little stop at the back of this to me. I call her - will be tightened and will drive more carefully. Just calm down and again began to relax when I see in the rearview mirror strangers in the back seat. Catch me paranoid - what these were, what they were doing in my car, but they stay calm and I start I'm trying to think. At one time involved that should be my customers but do not know where we're going. mother gothel Open his side window to izvetree my head and I thought, "I'm f * asi rubbish! E * asi am rubbish ".
Bulgaria does not have statistics on how many drivers drive cars under the influence of drugs. Somebody mother gothel has to sweep 4-5 cars in front of him (as did some drugged with cocaine and amphetamines Samokovets) to send traffic policemen do a blood test for drugs. We formally traffic police officers do not have any Breathalyzer for drugs and can check on the drivers seat only for alcohol. Very rarely - in an accident or if the person in front of them is clearly inadequate, and his alcohol test was negative - traffic policemen sent to the driver in the laboratory of Forensic Medicine in the Alexander Hospital to test for drugs. Of Statistics, 5000 blood alcohol samples in Sofia made a dozen drugs.
In Europe and worldwide field drug tests are long-standing and drugged drivers are punished with fines, points mother gothel deduction, deprivation of a driver's mother gothel license, etc. In Bulgaria Police chiefs from several years promise to buy appliances drugs (last year were chosen mother gothel and even company to deliver it to them), but remain just talk. The Criminal Code provides for up to 2 years in prison for driving under the influence of drugs, but while no appliances mother gothel text remains desirable.
In some U.S. states use devices known only by sight whether a driver is stoned, and what matter, but currently the most widespread in the United States and the EU are rapid tests with saliva. They have over 96% accuracy mother gothel and the result goes to the fifth minute.
Test for cocaine, amphetamines, etc.. Photos: author Other drug tests are done with blood, urine, lock of hair, skin, nails, sweat. The cheapest and quickest narkotest with urine, but not suitable mother gothel for checking the drivers, especially if the driver is a woman. Such tests are sold in pharmacies are reliable and are often used by parents who want to see if their child is using drugs.
Blood tests that are done in the laboratory to detect the substance shortly after use - between 12 hours and 3 days (depending on the type of drug). Urine tests catch heroin and amphetamines to 2-3 days after use, cocaine - up to 4 days, methamphetamines - up to 5 days maximum, mother gothel and the grass - depending on how regularly smoke. If someone is only lit a cigarette, his body will be cleared in 2-3 days, but if you smoke regularly (2-3 times a week or every day), the test may have been positive and more than 14 days after stop. Longest mother gothel retain and catch the urine test drugs such as barbiturates mother gothel and benzodiazepines. They can broadcast up to 1 month - 40 days after use and narkotestat out positive.
Alcohol stays in the blood up to 12 hours after use, and other substances - 2-3 days, says the data line Therefore, traffic policemen, when a driver caught in violation, immediately sent him to the hospital for a blood test. Longest drugs remain mother gothel in the hair of the head - up to 90 days after use, but the hair should be at least 7.5 cm long and can be cut around the strand.
All narcotic drug register only the existence mother gothel of appropriate psychoactive substance in the body, but provide no information how many times he picks up exactly when and in what quantity. If a man has once pulled a cigarette with marijuana test him for drugs to be positive, just as if you regularly smoked mother gothel weed. In this sense remains a broad field of divination.
Drug tests are of two types - a specific substance and combined for all drugs. Urine test only one drug is worth 3-4 lev in pharmacies and for all substances is about 20 lev. Blood test (which is made only in Forensic Medicine of Alexander's Hospital) is about 100 lev. Tests with saliva running between 20 and 50 lev but fixed - with hair, nails and more. out on several lev per test.
Urine tests are used most widely in Bulgaria and have already devised many ways to be manipulated. Most harmless is when the parents of a teenager send your child to buy a test for a substance, examples

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