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The pop icons are represented in all sorts of hilarious situations, with the talent of David Macdowell, this artist Virginia, USA, performs kung fu panda 2 game its work in acrylic paint, his style is the cartoon with a satirical and surreal tone, especially toward culture consumerist.
In his works you can see characters of entertainment, tv series and movies, including the field of music, mixed with animated Disney, Hanna Barbera and other famous companies in this art. You can see parodies of Snow White (Snow White), Alice in Wonderland kung fu panda 2 game (Alice in Wonderland), Willy Wonka and the Chocolate kung fu panda 2 game Factory, The lord of the rings, Lost, Scooby Doo, Borat, The breakfast club, Planet of the Apes, and even music exponents like Elvis Presley kung fu panda 2 game and The Beatles.
The satires and parodies are a frequent comic representations in the media of American culture, kung fu panda 2 game in TV shows like The Simpsons, Family Guy, Fairly Odd Parents, SNL (Saturday Night Live), Community, The soup and even advertising campaigns and movies like Scary Movie franchise. Also known as acid, ironic or sarcastic humor.
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