Wednesday, January 7, 2015

2) DIVINATION - the practice fairy tail ova 2 of discovering hidden knowledge and foretelling futur

Strange Gods Christian homes -
Strange fairy tail ova 2 Gods Christian homes. Are there many Christians live like the Israelites when they were infected with idols? Do Christians have the "nasty" things in their homes unknowingly milled Bible condemns? Why do so many Christians today live in defeat? Many are struggling with sickness, depression, marital problems, rebellious children, and so forth. The enemy comes in to try to destroy them through witchcraft and magic, prohibited items, and keeping a home full of magic videos - computer games and the like.
In the Old Testament God said to his people, the Israelites, the number of times that they put away the strange gods and return to Him. 1 Samuel chapter 7 people off their baalid and Ashtaroth and serve the Lord only. What happened fairy tail ova 2 after that? God miraculously saved them! When the Israelites enemy (the Philistines) came against them, they cried to the Lord to save them. The Lord thundered with a great thunder on that day upon the Philistines, and smote them, and they were smitten before Israel. God fought the battle against fairy tail ova 2 his own people, because they put their trust in Him and served Him only. They no longer had cursed the gods in their mid to hinder God's work, and plan for their lives.
Why do so many Christians today live in defeat? Many are struggling with sickness, fairy tail ova 2 depression, marital problems, rebellious children, and so forth. The enemy comes in to try to destroy them and their families, and does not always seem that God is fighting their battles for them? Could it be that they have strange gods in their homes, which are hindering the almighty God's presence and action? Could it be that they are giving Satan a foothold to open the door?
The Word of God says very strongly that we put away the "strange gods"! He tells us many things that we should not have to do. However, many Christian homes Satan has subtly crept in things that God has condemned and has made them look "innocent". Many Christians have allowed these damn things come to your home and giving Satan authority over part of their lives. These strange gods have a foothold on them. "For the scepter of the wicked will not remain in place right the lot of the righteous put forth their hands iniquity." (Psalm 125: 3).
"When you come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations! Let not Let the midst anyone who makes his son and daughter pass through the fire, do not fortune-tellers, pilvestlausujat, nor witch marks seletajat not CHARMER, spirits and the Philosopher's interviewers or NECROMANCER! For anyone who does so is an abomination to the LORD, after the abominations of those drives, and the LORD thy God, they take advantage of you. Be the excellent Lord, your God! "(5.Moosese 18: 9-13).
1) DO NOT LET YOUR SON OR DAUGHTER TO PASS THROUGH THE FIRE - in modern terms of human sacrifice, abortion. (3.Moosese 18:21; 2 Kings 16: 3, 17:17, 21: 6, 23:10; 2.Ajaraamat fairy tail ova 2 33: 6 and Jeremiah 32:35). Nobody should ever kill people. An unborn child is just as alive as you and me, because God has already created and formed this life.
2) DIVINATION - the practice fairy tail ova 2 of discovering hidden knowledge and foretelling future events by occult supernatural fairy tail ova 2 means. (2 Kings 17:17; fairy tail ova 2 Jeremiah 27: 8-9; Acts 16: 16-24). fairy tail ova 2 Never go to a fortune-teller, for whatever reason. God is the creator of the universe, and He alone knows the future.
3) PILVESTLAUSUMINE - same as astrology or stargazer. This is another fairy tail ova 2 form of divination. It is a person who looks to the stars for guidance (Isaiah 47: 12-15; Jeremiah 10: 2; Daniel 1:20; 5: 7,11,15). We should be wary of horoscopes or anything that takes the place of God's direction. God gives us guidance, not His creation. Horoscopes may seem harmless, but they are addictive. Reading horoscopes are another form of occult practices accepting and honoring fairy tail ova 2 God has clearly fairy tail ova 2 condemned. They are written by people who believe in astrology.
4) Explaining MARKS - a wizard or witch. A man who spells, fairy tail ova 2 or who bewitches (2 Kings 17:17; Jeremiah 27: 9). Avoid anything that has something to do with magic. Remember, it does not matter if it looks like a good thing, the magic is something God hates.
5) .WITCH - A person who practices magic. fairy tail ova 2 A person who deals with demonic spirits. They are practicing black or white magic (2.Moosese 22:18 2.Ajaraamat 33: 6; 1 Samuel fairy tail ova 2 15:23; Galatia 5: 19-21). There is no such thing as a good magic. Both come from Satan.
6) CHARMER - a person who puts a spell on someone. Using the magic of making things by saying the magic formulas or verses (Isaiah 19: 3). Uses any thing or a piece of jewelry

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