Saturday, April 11, 2015

I admit that this template is one of my old stuff. He lay on the disk and the was altogether, and i

Hi all this very nice almost-popołudnio-morning! As you might have guessed (or not), I'm the new intern at Enchanted (next). At this point, I give you thanks for the great Avio, for the fact that you chose me to take on this month.
Moving on - on blogs listed as Caireann Devin, in short Cai. Can someone reminds me (Kraken, yes, I'm direct t talking about you!), But I doubt, moreover, I have no idea where I could associate. In fact, my name is Adrianna (parents hated me and so called, direct t sob: c) and in July I celebrated the 16th birthday. My middle name is fiction, by the way, saying (she could choose: D). I teach in a bilingual direct t high school with Spanish, which I continued in high school. So far it all sounds terribly officially, so I'll add that I am forgetful, I laugh at everything, addicted to all kinds of sweets direct t and can not imagine my life without dance and writing - so in a nutshell. If you want to know me closer, I invite you to this page.
My purpose of writing this post is to show you some of my work. I'm not sure if you will like them, but I hope so! In the comments, write boldly, what you like and what is not suitable for publication!
I admit that this template is one of my old stuff. He lay on the disk and the was altogether, and it is not so bad. Fine-tuned just a little CSS. And so, inspired by the work of the template (you guessed it). Submitted by Jill consent.
Reviewing each proposal, and fished out one - a request for a template with Tom Hiddleston as king Henry. direct t I like this actor, so this template. I'm very pleased with it, because in my imagination was different, but I think it is not bad, right?
To Be Honest? direct t I am pleased with it. Because. Because I like it. Because it is Isabel Lucas. Because I was inspired by one of my favorite songs. Przyczepiłabym to these pages, because I look like that now, their color does not fit me a little, but what the hell!
Łapajta the last of my work today! Here and my favorite, I wonder where you place it :) Predict the template is dark, it is LOTR is well. And as we also Sajlens out there (like it does not exist, but it is), then this is for her szablonik. With dedication direct t from the heart: direct t <
And yet nasty Cai invite you to their blogs - Olympic Morvoren (ff Hunger Games) and Nadelria (my own fantasy). A thumbnails are linked direct t with a dedication to Meth (whose comment I'm direct t afraid most)! And it's me, when someone asks me a question that does not know the answer: <
So this is the first template is beautiful aczykolwiek powiększyłambym bit string (but that's probably just me; c) Template 2 Nice, posts css ^^ I really like such codes! Template 3 ^ _______ ^ Lovely What a nice raven in the title gażetu on the right! Well just can not have a good look! ; 3 Template 4 My favorite! I love this atmosphere and colors! Did you get my tastes. 5 I love this template direct t templates closed. This headline is from The Hobbit? ;) Template 6 What a nice font in the header! I see that unless you like the HP, but I do not like him ^^ templates Delete
I have to admit you are right with this inscription - is a little too small, but now it will not change the CSS :( This is my specialty - a simple, nicely showing and containing troszeńkę goodies that can be seen only on mouse over a 3 template ^^ I decided to play hence these tricks. I am glad that you like for. Yes, the header is the Hobbit, and another template is the Lord of the Rings, not of HP. Thank you for your comment, it's nice that the templates like. Yours! Delete
Lost Soul April 13, 2014 11:38
Imagine direct t Dragons! <3 All templates are at first glance so simple and ordinary, but they have something in himself enchanted. Template one and two is not my taste, but they are beautiful. I love the 3 and 4. If I had the opportunity, I would has set itself one of the templates direct t on my blog. But I do not have the possibility, for subjects not fit :( Maybe when I create a new story, it's direct t the one seduced. The Hobbit <3 Template lovely. direct t Just as the last! Reply Delete
I like doing this kind of simple templates, they always come out the cutest :) I am glad that the work is like, especially since I was about their quality doubts. It remains for me nothing more than a count that maybe one day to seduce direct t one: D Greetings and thank you for your kind words! Remove
And now the real comment: P You have a big, mega plus for May lov team! <3 As for me, the templates are great, because it's so easy, nieudziwnione what I like the most;) is now in order: P 1073 - As I wrote these ladies I like very much <3 nice idea with this template, only somehow I did not sign matches, in terms of the font; 1074- bit this image as I sit on horseback erased in advance of the white to reveal the above :) What you do not change the fact that the template is great and maybe steal him once at his b

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