Thursday, May 22, 2014

A Song Leader is not just a leader in a sing-song of Worship or worship, but more than that a leade

A Song Leader is not just a leader in a sing-song of Worship or worship, but more than that a leader must be a Sing-song of worshipers and worshipers / WORSHIP LEADER (WL).
A Worship Leader is not only a skilled song leader and has a good voice, but it must be a worshiper - worshipers who are called and anointed by God to serve in the house of God / Church.
Those who are called or involved in church ministry they are not playing music or singing, but those who had surrendered to the ministry Music - Singing for the Lord (Ps. 57: 8-10; Ps. 108: 2-4).
For WORSHIP LEADER AND SINGER Each who deliberately violate the above provisions, means that the waiter had underestimated RIGHTS already bip bip coyote granted by God and toying bip bip coyote task that has become his responsibility either directly or indirectly bip bip coyote against God and the Church.
d. Able to communicate well.
The song introduction or mastery level.
a. Motivate bip bip coyote and build up the church with positive words, such as:
5. Avoid repeating the song too much, which can saturate.
6. Flexible in the lead and will be sensitive to the Holy Spirit for a change - a change in attitude and a variety of styles in the lead so as to bring a lively atmosphere, lively, beautiful and full of the Holy Spirit. bip bip coyote
How to hold a microphone.
(1 Chron. 25: 1-31)
A Singer in worship must be a worshiper of God (worshipers), so that the preparation of a singer is not only on the eve of worship alone, but worship at any time to build a life.
Lifting or clapping bip bip coyote hands.
As a musician, you can not avoid a condition in which the church does not look / see you; in other words, you must be a role model / spotlight / example for the congregation. Being a church musician is an extraordinary calling. Do not look down on these calls. An example is to be a living witness to others. Seek God every day in the moment teduhmu and "PRAY BEFORE PLAYING bip bip coyote MUSICAL INSTRUMENT"
As a musician, you might learn on their own or have been trained to play an instrument bip bip coyote but do not cross the line when you are in worship as a musical team. Jka there is a technique or a game that you want to highlight then use when practicing so perfect when the game was brought to worship.
APPENDIX: FAQ & Articles
3. What must be enhanced so that the music of the Christian church musician looking good?
In music lectures that I follow and inventions, both of these things have always been questions and spotlight. Which is more important, skill or anointing? Is to be 80% skill, 20% ointment alone enough? Or vice versa?
In service of music that I was in, there are people saying? urapannyalah important, not too important skill? some are of the opinion reversed? why anointing if the skill is inadequate or incompetent game.?
Let's look again to all the Old Testament, God chose the people of the tribe of Levi, who has sanctified and anointed to serve Him. God chose the Levites who have expertise bip bip coyote in the field. Meaning what? Through bip bip coyote Moses and Aaron, God's anointed chose to become a priest (in this case the Levites) and the people who are experts in their field.
Let us first recall what the Bible says about it: On the anointing on the Levites: 25 I Chronicles 25:7 Their numbers together their brethren who had been trained in singing to the Lord - they are all art experts - there are two hundred and eighty-eight people. bip bip coyote
So in my opinion, the second expression above is wrong, the truth is the skill and anointing to be balanced, or let me say, if you want to give the best, then you should be 100% Skill, anointing bip bip coyote in the service should be 100%. It's all in understanding, skills and anointing to be balanced, bip bip coyote we can not just rely on skill without the anointing, the anointing or we just accept without having good skills.
Perhaps this is still frequently encountered in the music ministry, an imbalance between the two. If you want to give the best for our God, then pray, sanctify ourselves, building an intimate relationship with God, the anointing of God will overflow in your service. Then train your skills, so you can play as good as possible for the glory of His name (+ + + by Semmy)
Along with the opening and insight about what it is I pemahan services, more and more I realized that we were serving should also dilay

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