Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Walleye | Review: Brave
One time, in a faraway land, lived a princess who was also a redhead animation studio. The life of a princess, she found, is not easy: Everyone always treated her with respect and showered with praise, but at the same time expected ice age game her to be perfect all the time, without exception. Princess had to be noble and powerful - like, polite and amusing charm the common people and the nobles. And if for a moment did something that was less than perfect - a wrong move, says little - all clucked their tongues and shook their heads in disappointment. You expect more, they said. Sometimes the princess wished to be a simple girl without heavy baggage of the kingdom on her shoulders. Such nonsense can do occasionally, and no one will be angry too - that does not expect more from her.
"Brave" is a film - a princess. Not like, not near, but a film - a real princess. As the princess is a modern ice age game and independent, as is true today - political and general - but that's far from original. Principality of today is not what it used to, they can not pass their time just cleaning the house and singing, as Legija at the time: they must break out of the role that society has designated them, or at least aspire to that. So like many princesses ice age game before her, Scottish Princess Merida (a proper Hebrew), with hair like wool orange ball after a nuclear explosion, intended political marriage, and she did not like it. Queen Emma insists on teaching her ceremony, etiquette and proper behavior for a princess, but she prefers horseback riding, rock-climbing and archery score.
None of this is new. Still, "brave" unique for one thing that the prince. Disney Princess formula includes also always Prince Charming or a poor thief masquerading as a prince, or prince ice age game dressed as a frog. Anyway, man. Princess is not allowed to marry whomever her parents pressured her to marry him, but to finish the film without getting married to someone - it's not out of the question. ice age game To Merida. No B"amitzh love story. ice age game " Merida one day maybe you'll meet the fiancé, but right now she has other concerns (not to mention hair looked like six pounds of spaghetti bolognese spilled) on the head, and has no romantic sub-plot time.
Most respects, "Brave" is all you can expect from a movie. Animation is no less awesome. Merida itself is a shining example ice age game of what a character animation should be: excellent sound game (Kelly Macdonald) blends that can not be separated from the body language and her facial expressions, and above all an amazing technical feat perched form of Merida's hair looked, I think I have mentioned as particle accelerator collisions charts Great hadrons, and if you look at it closely it must be possible to find the Higgs boson. well as other characters - human and polar nodded - designed and animated manner so successful that within three seconds and motivating two facial muscles they give feeling like you know them for years. Virtual landscapes Scotland where the film takes place in vibrant, there are even some scenes that justify the three - dimensionality.
The point at which the film is less an outstanding film. That is, the story. He starts a pretty standard ice age game although, as stated, but from there it continues in a very standard. After the presentation of the characters, the plot is kind of mish - mash of several Disney films, not necessarily successful ones. Merida's rebellion leads her to a witch, she uses magic in an irresponsible manner, and then forced to work to repair the damage caused accidentally. ice age game This in itself is not a big problem; ice age game There's nothing wrong formulas as long as they are done well. The problem is that even with the relatively simple story of the film is complicated.
Producing "brave" has a problem: Brenda Chapman, the screenwriter ice age game and director of the original, leaving the film in the middle of production and replaced, and replaced with probably ice age game a large part of the plot. This is not the first time in the history of Pixar where such a thing happens, but the first time it show the end result. Fabric of the "brave" torn and re-sewn, and see the seams. The other half of the film consists of a series of scenes each successful per se, the relationship between them is quite slim. For example, in one scene in Merida and another figure sneaks into the castle, and Merida is required to make a diversion. This is a great scene, an important figure, and very funny - but according to the logic definitely was not supposed to happen. There was no rebellion Co. This stealth no reason. And this is not the only scene that gives this feeling: the characters repeatedly make unreasonable things to navigate ice age game the scene very well to each other. It's not just a matter of Nitfok Fiction: those strange dissonances ice age game script disruptive to the whole story. They make the process go through at least compelling characters, ice age game and the moral artificial look instead grows naturally in the plot.
It is only because the lamp. At the beginning of the movie, you see, have a fancy logo with a big castle and fireworks, followed by a modest logo table lamp hops and honey. I have a feeling that the film was received favorably lot better if there was only the castle, ice age game and the lamp. If this movie was only comes with the title "Disney" No one had complaints ice age game about it. On the contrary, everyone was excited about: The film is another step forward after "Tangled" and Disney are getting better Movie film, using the grand tradition of films in their principality, but not afraid to play with the formula, improve and update it.
But "brave" is not only a Disney movie. The fact that Pixar's film causes the level of expectations of him to dwell on a different scale altogether. Even after a series of "Cars," Pixar has already proven capable of making movies is not good, I still expected from Pixar's new film is a masterpiece. And these impossible standards "brave" is not going to. So no - I would not compare the film to "The Incredibles - on", "Wall - E" or "up". I suspect that if "brave" was competing in cup games Pixar, ice age game he sifted outset. This indicates the insane level of Pixar films to date than it is indicative of the "brave". No, it's not a typical Pixar film -

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