Saturday, August 16, 2014

M: What I as an individual vote for or have opinions about things should be irrelevant. Metal Matte

A few days ago Free Times wrote that filmmaker Metal Matte is back on Youtube wdcc to publish new controversial films. Very little is known about the young man behind the film series with the provocative name Niggas brawl. Free Times exchanged a few words with suburban guy who became internet legend by making contemporary art on Youtube.
But at the same time are the very many niggas who like my movies. And I think those who behave like the movies. And the others who recognize themselves in my films is well angry, I guess.
M: One of the (Bubba) has visited with some voice clips into two sections. I know and have met them, but they have their own little show and I mine. I have also collaborated with other people who have similar wdcc sense of humor as me.
M: Depends on how much free time I have, but the animation takes huge time. You could get together three clips animation in a day. First you have to get an idea in your head, and build a kind of basic template, wdcc then record skits. Not just a sketch, but many, and select the best one.
M: What I as an individual vote for or have opinions about things should be irrelevant. Metal Matte to be independent, it is meant for me to be able to drive how hard any of today's society without some parties disparaged due. my works or associated in any way.
M: I did not have a direct plan when I started with the first part I just wanted to make a satire movie on a real event. But then I saw how it spread and became known and popular so after a year, I made a Part 2.
The film will depict wdcc how a man left initially go on mass media brainwashing. Then during the movie turned his neighborhood into a Swedish hostile ghetto and his girlfriend is gang-raped in front of his eyes. He left pals abusing national wdcc activists reacted to the Swedish hostility.
And it is at this stage, he'll try to get out of the left movement and move on to the national. And in the circuit he met in a totally different way than he did with his old pals who left knarkade and had no direct morality.
Also thinking about that sometime wdcc in the future make a really cool cartoon about our Norse gods. The story of Loki killed Balder wdcc by tricking someone else to throw the mistletoe at him, the story of Ragnarok, etc..
M: They've been bad with donations. People have written wdcc that they obviously are going to donate, but only two people have done it so far. Maybe they have problems with paypal too. Creds to the two who donated.
They do not make cartoons. But they help to turn the trend. Think about 3000 Swedes did something similar, it would overflow Youtube. They are not difficult to be creative. Instead of throwing away his time to World of Warcraft or TV, you can do anything.
According to the first people on the left then of course all the people who live here in Sweden Swedes, so according to them so I already joking about Swedes. 2 For all the others who made that political correctness is a scam so I just want to say that we already have a TV, media and songs on the radio that just focuses on criticizing Swedes. I should not have to do it also to prove in any way that I am not a racist. I run better if the word racist and how they are used.
Take for example Niggas fractional part 6 which was flagged on Youtube - what if it was about a retarded northerner who burned down a church and shot the fire department with a shotgun, not a fan it would have been flagged.
I do not want to limit my art by being tied to any political party or particular views. What I as an individual thinks, feels and thinks will be one thing - the art will be different even if some things I think private may be reflected. The goal of the art and the movies is that they loosen the ban on driving on the community in a politically incorrect manner, and that both natives and immigrants to come to a new understanding through my satires.
Network against political correctness is a collection of writers who seriously want to inform the Swedish population about what is happening behind their backs while the media and political classes completely absurd extent darken, distort and even stated whether förljuger truth in the political wdcc correctness names, or worse banning wdcc and censoring perfectly legitimate (not to speak of sensible, well-researched and future critical) opinions and considering expressions of the Swedish people. This website is only a secondary method to read the network's overall news. All posts are actually spread over several separate blogs (see below), and the absolute best way to read the news is rather subscribe to the network's anthology feed, which links directly to any individual blogs for the respective posts. The news will also rapidly on the compilation wdcc feedet than on this website! (See also box below if you want to display the news on your own website or blog!)

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