Monday, November 24, 2014

architecture old cartoon network art theater cinema music photography Science Mathematics Psycholog

architecture old cartoon network art theater cinema music photography Science Mathematics Psychology philosophy physics education technology cars made himself old cartoon network free programming software gadgets internet health food ecology sports medicine society laws and economy policy history DRM travel fun
For readers in readers: Click on the story, I put more photos and videos! In the last few months old cartoon network working in Turkey. In the city of Fikret - Adapazari. Today I present impressions of another neighboring country to us, we do not know. I'm too old to approach emotionally and rationally, your turn to tell whether they received. I'm old cartoon network sure his story will call you at all prejudices that we have for the Turks, but I am sure that my Turkish readers will understand some of their prejudices :) I do not think that prejudices are bad - worse to their slaves so that - if someone is hurt about to forgive me, but this is my look. We should not be afraid of our prejudices - just should not keep many of them. The very story began as one page long impressions, published at the beginning of my stay in Adapazar However broadened them, I added pictures and get what you read today. I have selected old cartoon network photos, which I found interesting, not particular to the amount relates to the themes of the text - in this line of thoughts, photos can be viewed as manipulative: simply the most interesting of the album;) Adapazar or, as it translated illiterate interpreters Turkish series - Adapazari, old cartoon network is not infinitely interesting city: nice, but generally it is difficult to say anything else about it. This proved to be the biggest plus: live completely normal industrial city somewhere on the road between Istanbul and Ankara (actually this is the way London-Calcutta;), which allowed me to Turkey now I am not a tourist. I'm still not local, but definitely a tourist I'm not: D here and below I will use proper Bulgarian Adapazar instead illiterate Adapazari. Why I wrote Adapazari in the title? For the pleasure of the cap;) Enjoy reading and spit much the author - so he can İyi okumalar :) Turkey closely old cartoon network Adapazari - Istanbul - Sofia Part One [caption id = "" align = "aligncenter" width = "576" caption = " Retractable pilgrims from Medina - Ataturk old cartoon network Airport, Istanbul "] [/ caption] Ataturk Airport, Istanbul seems the European Union leads to the better: that the airport is huge, mammoth, but still down from the plane passing through border control to exit in the arrivals hall pass more than 45 minutes. Ataturk was second after Sofia airport where the crowd runs to retain order in the queue for passport control. This division is Turkish citizens and Other passports;) Customs officers did not see the border guard just looked at the passport and computer, but not even my face looked entelegentnata. In fact, months later, still I do not look. And indeed give preference to local citizens - my colleague, who arrived on schedule about an hour after I had to wait an hour and border control - kiosks foreign citizens were left only two to liberate counters neiszvetsno why the increased number local, arrived with him. Something remarkable: the citizens of the UK, the Netherlands, Spain, and those of Cameroon require visas for Turkey. Arrange an additional tail pay a visa fee and only then let them go. Komshiyskite Greece, Bulgaria and Romania walk proudly with visa-free passports to others;) Melochy but nice;) With terminal walk Negroes with nigger clothes. From here there are flights not only for much of Africa and the Middle East, but apparently to the Isle Korekoredut.
Worshipers are harvested from Medina If you think that Muslim women wear funny looking men: monochrome pajamas with thongs and beards without mustaches. And yet - I saw turbans probably already only Sikhs in India wear them. I think of the joke about the Arab with the suit and tie that would like to enter the United States and, until she resembled a terrorist, not placed on the passport control. Those here will surely put them;) Still not lie: these were passengers waiting aircraft to Saudi Arabia and Africa, not local. If we disregard the few grandmothers who hardly anyone wants to see naked, people are very plainclothes. Much later I saw several old man in the village trip - carried by those white "fezzes" that you may have seen in Kosovo or Albania (not exactly fezzes, but close fitting to the head caps, I think I think of what I speak) old cartoon network .
Pushkomat airport Actually Ataturk old cartoon network Airport offers flights to both America (half passengers from Sofia to Istanbul transit actually fly to Chicago), and the Middle and Far East, Africa. And if you want to fly to Basra, Baghdad or Kabul, Ataturk is the closest airport to your travel. Waiting in the hall to meet my colleagues to arrive from other European p

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