This blog is an exhibiton of spontaneous creations. Simplicity is necessary to make it accessible to all our visitors. Topics like politics and religion should be avoided. Vulgarity and discrimation are recycled. This vibrant exhibition offers access to the depth of being, the universe of infinite ... So grow the world with a wide variety potchefstroom university of quality seeds. Send me by email your art and the choice potchefstroom university will be presented potchefstroom university regularly to the draw.
What a beautiful journey into the imaginary world of small, Ira Sokolova, the founder of 'Gleams Theatre has written the script, composed the music and songs of the' Little Red Riding Hood. She taught all the performers ... how to do it all together (! Or younger) sing, play, manage and have direct interaction with their audience while playing their spectators and spectators should be e be a genius, and above all be a source of love and compassion for conquérire the hearts and interests of children ... what chance potchefstroom university have you Ira for us, the children, the future artists in Quebec and Canada ... .Thanks thousands of times in 1001! Ira Sokolova, founder and producer of Gleams Theatre Montreal, Photo: Shahrzad Ghaffari, Montreal, 15 FEV.2014 What talents and generosity which to live and teach the arts with as much passion and love. Away from family, Ira has planted seeds of music in the deepest part of the heart of the world's children here in Montreal, devoted to his art, with so much conviction, his whole life is devoted to creativity and transmission its knowledge ... !!! Hours and hours of work (voice teacher, potchefstroom university piano, theater, ...) a lot of talented young artists have benefited from his teachings. It just had to be exceptional and Bulgarian born to live, survive everything she could endure. Ira hat and congratulations! In Little Red Riding Hood, Ira plays itself the character of the 'Fairy potchefstroom university of Music' sing, play the piano at the same time directs his team of artists, the stage and the audience, always sunny and passionate ... !!!
A great success and a room full of children, parents and grandparents who participated potchefstroom university in several scenes set on purpose during the show. Hudson Village Theatre, Little Red Riding Hood-Chapron Red- Displays Photo: Shahrzad Ghaffari, Montreal, 15 FEV.2014 At the end, the children were full of questions for The Fairy of Music, Great mother, the little red chapron The big bad and the oup and impressed and moved parents have had the pleasure of taking pictures of their children with the characters of the show and have caused their CD of songs from the show by Ira Sokolova! Hudson Village Theatre, Little Red Riding potchefstroom university Hood- chapron red-applause-1 Photo: Shahrzad Ghaffari, Montreal, 15 FEV.2014 The first show was held several weeks at the Victoria Hall in Westmount with many succees. Others presentations to soon. And a thousand thank you to the direction of the Hudson Theatre Villaage. Check the facebook page Gleams Theatre, Ira Sokolova for upcoming dates and locations of the show. Hudson potchefstroom university Village Theatre, potchefstroom university Red Riding Hood, Little Red Chapron - The Big Bad Wolf misleading - 1- Photo: Shahrzad Ghaffari, Montreal, 15 FEV.2014 Shahrzad Ghaffari, 'Interior costumes potchefstroom university and Decor and photographer 'La Petite Rouge Chapron. Hudson Village Theatre, Red Riding Hood, Little Red Chapron, before entering into scene- & Jane Ira-1 Photo: Shahrzad Ghaffari, Montreal, 15 FEV.2014 Hudson Village Theatre, Red Riding Hood, Little Red Chapron, before entering by Ira & Jane-2 potchefstroom university scene- Photo: Shahrzad Ghaffari, Montreal, 15 FEV.2014 Hudson Village Theatre, Red Riding Hood, Little Red Chapron, 'We come from far away', 'We potchefstroom university come to loin'-1 Photo: potchefstroom university Shahrzad Ghaffari, Montreal, 15 FEV.2014 Hudson Village Theatre, Little Red Riding Hood- Chapron Red- 'first encounter with the Little Red Wolf chapron '1- Photo: Shahrzad Ghaffari, Montreal, 15 FEV.2014 Hudson Village Theatre, Little Red Riding Hood-Chapron Red- Fairy of Music & Grandma-1 Photo: potchefstroom university Shahrzad Ghaffari, Montreal, 15 FEV.2014
Hudson Village Theatre, Little Red Riding Hood-Red- potchefstroom university Chapron 'first meeting with Grandma Wolf-'1 Photo: Shahrzad Ghaffari, Montreal, potchefstroom university 15 FEV.2014 Hudson Village Theatre, Little Red Riding Hood- Chapron Red- Fairy Music Little Red Riding potchefstroom university Hood & dreaming ... 1 Photo: Shahrzad Ghaffari, Montreal, 15 FEV.2014 Hudson Village Theatre, Red Riding Hood, Little Red Chapron-8 Photo: Shahrzad
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