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Recent comments FrenchLearner: I think the only infinitives :) this is unlikely to differ from Russian, we're ... Elena: alt first right, then X, then U Katabenza: Tell me, how to calculate the vocabulary at all? Considered together with the times ... Zoyka: ochen no uchen xoroshiy sayt. ya smotrela na vsex. no Busuu samiy xoro ... Sherzod: Thank you very much. Very useful !!! Cooler: Normic without problems hello kitty sanrio did DZ 5 verbs had to write out)! Krut: D! ... FrenchLearner: hello kitty sanrio See you soon! apparently hello kitty sanrio a second child immediately said goodbye)) ... Alexander: Be kind, in the textbook 5th grade (1 year training) one child says ... Anton: Sometimes even add something like ben or bah (Bon bah), which can be re ... Anton: Larissa, in the penultimate paragraph, the words "Depuis son appartement londonien ... Maria: Maria, znak voprosa delaetsja tak: derzhitsja nazhatoj knopka Shift i ... Alain: Horror as explain all the rules ... Confusing ... .. Beybut: hello kitty sanrio Thank you so much for being given the opportunity to tighten French ... Galina: Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to study French ... Elena: Thank you remember hello kitty sanrio for a lifetime! Edel: Thanks for the site - loved! Edel: le Sollege - college hello kitty sanrio Inna: Good day! Thanks for the website! Just the thing:-). Tell ECW Press, and ... Serge: Huge request. You do not tell exactly how to translate: En ce cas il ... Oleg: I just love it! Especially for the novice pleases opportunity spryazh ... Xenia: Salut Loran! Je m'appelle Ksenia. j'apprends le francais mail il n'y p ... Serge: I can not get ù on your advice: I press the Alt key and ^, let go, to ... Nina: My God, what a pleasure to listen to and read and enjoy this ROSC ... Ivan: "Cognition and Creativity" with this keyboard is very comfortable hello kitty sanrio to write. And yet ... Elena Larisa hello kitty sanrio very interesting thanks ..
What could be better hello kitty sanrio for beginners to learn French than voiced children's fairy tales! And the language is simple enough, and the tale itself is not very long, and the plot, as a rule, familiar to us from childhood. So I thought, and began to reminisce and French storytellers what do I know? Well, of course, as Charles Perrault! Giving up on a quest tale is found, begin to listen to ... and ... What a disappointment, but where are the lumberjacks who ran a wolf and hacked to pieces? :) The original is they are not (or rather have at the beginning of a fairy tale, but there is at the end) and a very sad outcome. But for those who are interested in French culture and history, a small excursion into the past of this tale.
Turns out the story of a girl who cheated wolf, rooted as much in the 14th century. Tales to tell in the territory hello kitty sanrio of France, Italy and Switzerland. The contents of the basket depended on where he was born storyteller. And in the classic version of Little Red Riding Hood always ate the wolf, after killing his grandmother and her body was prepared from food, drink and from blood. (Brrr!) Charles Perrault crafted literary folk tale, removing unnecessary brutal details of his version was first published in 1697 in Paris, in the book "Tales of Mother Goose."
In the original fairy tale called Le Petit Chaperon Rouge. Chaperon - it's not really a cap and cloak-hood. But when translating "chaperone" was replaced with a cap. And this happened not only in Russian, but in many others.
Il était une fois une petite fille de Village, la plus jolie qu'on eût su voir; sa mère en était folle, et sa mère-grand hello kitty sanrio plus folle encore. Cette bonne femme lui fit faire un petit chaperon rouge, qui lui seyait si bien, que partout on l'appelait le Petit Chaperon rouge.
Le Petit Chaperon rouge partit aussitôt pour aller chez sa mère-grand, qui demeurait dans un autre Village. En passant dans un bois elle rencontra compère le Loup, qui eut bien envie de la manger; mais il n'osa, à cause de quelques Bûcherons qui étaient dans la Forêt. Il lui demanda où elle allait; la pauvre enfant, qui ne savait pas qu'il est dangereux de s'arrêter à écouter un Loup, lui dit: - Je vais voir ma Mère-grand, et lui porter une galette hello kitty sanrio avec un petit pot de beurre que ma Mère lui envoie . - Demeure-t-elle hello kitty sanrio bien loin? lui dit le Loup. - Oh! oui, dit le Petit Chaperon rouge, c'est par-delà le moulin que vous voyez tout là-bas, là-bas, à la première maison du Village. - Eh bien, dit le Loup, je veux l'aller voir aussi; je m'y en vais par ce chemin ici, et toi par ce chemin-là, et nous verrons qui plus tôt y sera. Le Loup se mit à courir de toute sa force par le chemin qui était le plus court, et la petite fille s'en alla par le chemin le plus long, s
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